Friday, July 22, 2011


hey guys! welcome to the random chat room! this is where i will post fun interesting things, and i'll also post random things on here too (obviously. hope i spelled that right...)! so be on the look out for new posts!! ;]


  1. Lol! I love your blog! Waaayy cute!

  2. I like this font too, what is it? The only part I don't like is that when you type three dots it changes into an under score. Is that what you call it? Anyway, here is an example.


  3. yeah, i know. that's super annoying! but you could put spaces in between. . .that sort of helps. . .idk what this font is called, but to change it, just go to layout and there's a whole bunch of different ones to choose from!

  4. Oh ok. I'll use spaces next time. Thanks!

  5. oh i doesn't matter, i'll know what you mean even if you don't use them
