Saturday, August 20, 2011

Bak-2-Skool! (Agane)

hey gyz! is evrei won exsitd 4 skooll 2 strt on monda? i amm!!! wii did all da shoopin alreedi, so i has neew shurts & pands! i alsoo hav alot of stuf fer mie lokare, so i'm reel pumbed! plez leaf a comend or somethin and i whell c u wen skul sterts!

p.s. iv u cun rede dis, u r reedy 4 skool 2!!! :)


  1. I can read it. Guess I'm ready. Kinda cool how you can write like that, kinda annoying too. I don't have anything for my locker! Guess I'll just add stuff later. 2 days?! ONLY 2 DAYS?! PANIC!!!!!! I just can't believe it's here! Summer seemed to go by in a split second.

  2. sorry to annoy you, i just thought it was funny! yeah, i've got a few things for my locker, but not tons of stuff yet.
